Farm Dairy Effluent (FDE) ponds provide temporary storage of effluent, when soil conditions are not suitable for spreading onto pasture. Having a well designed and constructed pond will save you capital cost and comply with consent conditions.
HDPE plastic liner gives the greatest surety of a leak-free pond. I.S. Dam Lining tests each seam weld during construction to ensure containment integrity.
We also ensure:
We will work in with each farmer's contractor, engineer or consultant to line the pond to comply with Dairy NZ recommendations and regional council requirements.
If required we can calculate the storage capacity and surface area of your pond. Pond dimensions take into account the number of storage days required, the normal daily FDE production, soil saturation levels, maximum nutrient loading and the proposed irrigation and pumping method. Detailed drawings are prepared for each client.
The physical dimensions of the pond also consider the batter and berm slope. A layer of geotextile may be applied where a smooth subgrade cannot be attained due to soil type. Increasing attention is being paid to gas venting and we have considerable experience mitigating gas build-up. Safety ladders come as standard relative to pond size.
I.S. Dam Lining can also provide leak detection systems and weeping walls.